Research at VyatSU

History of the library

  • 10 April 2011, 11:26
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1851

The scientific library of Vyatka State University was established in March 1963 on the basis of the Kirov Correspondence Polytechnic Institute on the basis of the Order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the RSFSR No. 161 dated March 13, 1963.

The founding day of the university is considered the founding day of the library. The library's birthday is March 13, 1963.

The book fund of the library at the time of its formation was 49378 copies, the staff was 4 librarians, the library received a new building.

The first librarian - Belous Olga Mikhailovna,
The first head of the library was Zhurnakova Anna Nikolaevna.

ZHURNAKOVA ANNA NIKOLAEVNA - the first head of the library


 From 1963 to 1993, Zhurnakova Anna Nikolaevna was the head of the library, chairman of the Methodological Association of University Libraries and Libraries of Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions, a member of the Central Library and Information Commission - the section for organizing funds under the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education.

From 1993 to 2005 KORCHEMKINA LYUDMILA ILYINICHNA headed the Scientific Library.


Education: Higher education spec. “Library Science and Bibliography of Public and Scientific Libraries” (Leningrad State Institute of Culture named after Krupskaya; 1972)

>>Honorary titles and state awards: Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
>> Memberships:
Member of the Academic Council of the University
Member of the commission for work with funds of the Central Library and Information Commission
Member of the Board of Directors of Kirov Libraries
